My Projects
Social engineering is an attack method most hackers use to gain information or execute other malicious attacks on their victims. Social engineering refers to the psychological manipulation of individuals to perform actions or disclose confidential information. It is often used as a tactic in information security, where attackers exploit human behavior to gain unauthorized access to systems or sensitive data. Social engineering techniques can involve various forms of trickery, such as impersonation, phishing, pretexting, and baiting, to deceive individuals into divulging information or taking actions that may compromise security.
Social Engineering Test
Creating a password generator script with python
Creating a python script that will help users generate strong passwords and save it to the users' desktop and they could encrypt it for free.
Using Python script to track username, Ip address and phone numbers.
I wrote a script in python programming language. this script helps penetration testers carry out basic Open-Source Intelligence (OSINT) search on victims Ip address, phone numbers and username.
WI-FI De-authenticator.
I have recently developed a Python script specifically designed for ethical hackers who want to enhance their Wi-Fi network security. This script serves the purpose of DE authenticating Wi-Fi networks, providing a valuable tool for penetration testers and security professionals. By leveraging the power of Python, this script offers an efficient and effective solution. However, it is important to note that in order to run the script, a Wi-Fi adapter is required. This adapter acts as a crucial component in the execution of the DE authentication process. With this script at hand, ethical hackers can now further investigate the vulnerabilities present in Wi-Fi networks, ultimately ensuring their clients' networks are adequately protected from potential threats.
WiFi Credentials Stealer
I wrote a script in Python that helps Ethical Hackers like me conduct pentest projects with ease. This script uses some python libraries to scan the system to pull Wi-Fi network names, passwords and security keys (IF ANY). feel free to view the project documentation and watch the video I have posted there.